In the framework of the project "Employment's Empowerment of unemployed women immigrants", ANCE invites you at the closing project event. This project is funded by the Greek NGO Programme “We are all Citizens” which is part of the EEA & Norway Grants for Greece. The Bodossaki Foundation is the Fund Operator of this Programme. The Programme aims to strengthen civil society and enhance the contribution of NGOs to social justice, democracy and sustainable development
The event will be organised on Wednesday 30th of September 2015 (10.00-14.00) at Europe Direct city of Athens, Academias 50, Athens.
Project results, and the characteristics of the project's target groups (problems and opportunities) will be presented. Women who participated in the project activities will share with the audience their experiences.
For more info please contact: Ms Paraskevi Siokou and Ms Mironova Anna
Tel. 210 82 15 044, 210 82 15 343
email : ance@ance-hellas.org