We are excited to announce that the ANCE Consortium was awarded a new project in Pakistan entitled “External performance monitoring of the Balochistan Rural Development & Community Empowerment (BRACE) Programme” (FWC SIEA 2018 – LOT4: Human Development and Safety Net).
The main aim of the BRACE program financed by the EU (Development Cooperation Instrument) is to support the Government of Balochistan in reducing the negative impact of economic deprivation, poverty and social inequality, environmental degradation and climate change, and to turn this into opportunities to build and empower resilient communities participating actively in identifying and implementing socio-economic development activities on a sustainable basis in partnership with local authorities.
The global objective of this project is to assist the EU Delegation to Pakistan to secure proper monitoring of the implementation of the BRACE programme for the grant and technical assistance contract components.
The project started in July 2019 and will run for 35 months. It will be implemented by ANCE, PINTO Luvent, Action against Hunger (ACH) and KMOP.