ANCE’s 4-day workshop "Sharing experiences and best practices event on migrants' and refugees' integration" has been successfully completed!
During these days, almost 50 field professionals from different Civil Society Organizations, based in Turkey, Italy and Greece, had the opportunity to attend the event that took place in Myrtillo Cafe (former KAPAPS park).
During the workshop, representatives from 18 CSOs have presented their work, while all the participants were given a chance to discuss their experiences and share valuable information, knowledge and best practices on how to promote and support the integration of refugees and migrants in their host communities. The agenda of the workshop covered the majority of the themes related to the workshop's topic, such as children refugees/ unaccompanied minors and education programmes, labor market, gender issues, racism, xenophobia, homophobia and every short of discrimination in host society and ways to tackle them.
The event was held in the framework of the project " Stregthening the EU-Turkey civil society cooperation for the support of integration of refugees and migrants", funded by the Civil Society Dialogue Programme.
ANCE's team would like to thank all the participants for their valuable contribution and also for the very positive feedback they gave us!