On the occasion of the #ErasmusDays 2020, ANCE invited fellow civil society organizations to participate in the photo challenge #UniteThroughCulture.
What we had to do in 4 simple steps:
- Upload a picture on Facebook related to cultural integration (the picture could be either old or new or it could be taken from a project that the participant organizations are implementing),
- Write an inspiring comment,
- Use the hashtags #ErasmusDays #UniteThroughCulture #ANCE and
- Tag two other organizations to do the same from 15 to 17 October 2020.
The current challenge was connected with the project “A new approach on cultural learning for promoting the social inclusion of migrants and refugees” (NEST) that is being implemented by ANCE in the framework of Erasmus+ Programme. #NESTproject is briefly addressing the challenge of social inclusion of migrants and refugees by increasing their knowledge and understanding of the host societies’ cultures. It aims to design and test a new approach on cultural learning, which combines an innovative course with cultural mentoring.
For further information on the NEST project visit its website: www.project-nest.eu/
For further information on Erasmus+ Programme visit the programme’s website: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/node_en
What is #ErasmusDays?
Launched as an initiative of the Erasmus+ French National Agency on the 30th anniversary of Erasmus+, #ErasmusDays consists of a series of bottom-up events organised by various Erasmus+ programme players. Last year, 3 995 events were organised in 53 countries.
At the core of this international celebration is a simple idea: over three specific days, communicate about European values, the benefits of mobility, Erasmus+ projects results, and be visible to citizens, professionals, media and policy makers.
Many thanks to all the participants!