We're happy to announce the launch of the SPEAK Awareness-Raising Campaign, developed under the umbrella of the "EQUAL - Together we stand for Gender Equality" project, co-funded by the European Union.
This 30-month project is a joint effort between ANCE and Mehjron NGO in Fergana city, Uzbekistan. Our mission? To tackle gender-based violence (GBV) head-on, with a particular focus on the regions of Ferghana, Kashkadarya, and Namangan in Uzbekistan, where GBV prevalence is quite high.
Here's what we aim to achieve:
1️⃣ Identify and understand the root causes of domestic violence.
2️⃣ Raise awareness about women's rights among women of all ages and society at large.
3️⃣ Strengthen the skills of CSO's staff.
4️⃣ Train journalists and media professionals to promote gender equality and condemn GBV.
5️⃣ Foster dialogue and networking among CSOs and national stakeholders to develop a GBV combat strategy.
6️⃣ Promote dialogue on GBV through social media.
Our SPEAK Awareness-Raising Campaign seeks to deepen understanding and sensitize people across Uzbekistan to the issue of GBV. While progress has been made, GBV remains a contentious issue, especially in the regions of Fergana, Kashkadarya, and Namangan.
With a focus on these key areas, our campaign aims to inform multiple stakeholders, stimulate public discourse, and influence policymaking. Through partnerships with local organizations, we're striving to shift perceptions by spotlighting core EU and universal values such as human rights and democracy.
Take a look at the SPEAK Awareness Plan https://shorturl.at/kryL8 !
Together, let's SPEAK out against gender-based violence and work towards a more equal and just society. #EQUALity #SPEAKCampaign #GenderEquality