Today the ANCE team shared with the Greek Forum of Migrants its concerns about the social integration of migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers, and the difficulty faced by first, second and third-generation migrants in obtaining and maintaining the appropriate legal documents and housing.
We analyzed the additional difficulties faced by people who belong to the migrant/refugee group but who also happen to have an additional degree of vulnerability such as disability, LGBTQI people, women.
Emphasis was placed on the individual needs of each different migrant community but also on the way we, the actors of Civil Society, can all contribute together to create positive change.
The simplification of legalization procedures has been a demand for many years and this is because it is the starting point for creating the conditions for "normality" in the lives of these people.
This meeting took place in the framework of the bilateral meetings held through the implementation of the project Strengthening the organizational and operational capacities of ANCE funded by the Active citizens fund with grant manager Bodossaki Foundation and Solidarity Now.
Thank you Greek Forum of Migrants - Greek Forum of Migrants