It was with great pleasure that we welcomed on 20/10/23, in the framework of the bilateral meetings we organize, a representative of elix.greece volunteer work projects and discussed the needs of the elderly.
We brainstormed on how we can contribute to the active socialization and participation of these people in various activities but we also talked about healthy and active ageing.
We identified some of the causes that often keep these people stuck in a monotonous daily routine and together we thought about what we can do to reverse them.
The common goal is to create sustainable conditions and initiatives to serve the needs of this target group.
Thank you ELIX!!!
#activecitizensfund_GR #ACF_GR #activecitizens #civilsociety
active citizens fund Greece EEA and Norway Grants EEA Grants Greece Bodossaki Foundation SolidarityNow The Norwegian Embassy in Athens, Greece