On 24/11/2023, ANCE attended the conference "The Voice of Older Citizens in Europe", organised by 50+ HELLAS and AGE Platform Europe.
The conference aimed to inform the public about active and healthy ageing, about care and health of older people, as well as the impact of technology on their lives! First of all, the AGE Platform Manifesto and the purpose of this workshop was presented.
Through speeches by prominent politicians, professors and consultants, issues such as extending EU legislation on age discrimination beyond employment, raising awareness of ageism, tackling multiple forms of discrimination and supporting a UN Convention on the Rights of Older Persons were extensively analysed!
The main purpose of the workshop was to raise awareness of all the above issues and to remind us all that "We are all getting older"! That is why we need to not leave people behind and not miss the opportunity to enjoy diversity in our old age!