Would you like to practice your Greek, along with your cooking? Would you like to exchange recipes and experiences - and chat in Greek with people from different countries? Then, join us in our small but friendly kitchen every Saturday (starting from February 12th) at 16:00pm at ANCE, 15a Miaouli str., 2nd floor and let’s all become each other’s instructors and students through fun activities which will improve both our language and culinary skills. If you are interested in taking part in our workshop please fill in and send us an application form to: ance@ance-hellas.org by February 9 2011. Entrance is free thanks to the co-financing of the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) - Grundtvig “NoProS (Non-Profit Space)”. For more info please call us at: 210-8215343 and 210-8215044.