We are pleased to announce that the e-publication “ What does Europe mean for the European Youth?: Views from the field” is out.
This document provides a summary of the 7 U4EU Community Dialogue Events, the Info Day and the Youth Workshop that were organised during the implementation of the Europe for Citizens project “Youth Debating the Future of Europe (U4EU)” in nine European countries (Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Hungary, Portugal, Spain, Greece, and Bulgaria) from September 2021 until June 2022. During these events, 396 young people (in total) from different EU countries were participating with the purpose to generate a debate about the future of Europe, to provide alternatives to existing problematic situations and to get informed about the project and the importance of volunteering and youth participation.
You can see the e-publication here : https://www.u4euproject.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/U4EU-e-publication-1.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1HTa6cSOxARAOrv5zyQtkgtGpzuMRluU2TjD7oJB6x7AOaLWtfVZAmjFc