Final Evaluation of the project “Technical assistance for a more practice oriented vocational and technical education in Lebanon” – FWC SIEA 2018 – LOT 4: Human Development and Safety Net

The main objectives of this evaluation were to provide the relevant services of the European Union, the interested stakeholders, and the wider public with:

  • an overall independent assessment of the performance of technical assistance for a more practice-oriented in Lebanon, paying particular attention to its different levels of results measured against its expected objectives; and the reasons underpinning such results
  • key lessons learned, conclusions, and related recommendations in order to improve current and future interventions

The expected results were:

  • Develop A VET revised action plan (with timeframe, indicators, costing, roles and responsibilities, etc.) and mapping of actors and education and training offer (long and short)
  • Propose a system of long-term and short-term modular training
  • Develop tools and systems to improve the quality of work-based learning mods
  • Improve the information base for practice-oriented vocational learning and for its planning, costing and management in Lebanon
  • Promote work-based learning models in VET in Lebanon and increase awareness
  • Identify new sectors for practice-oriented VET, develop curricula and pedagogical materials and implement pilots’ projects.

The project runs from October 2022 to February 2023.

It was funded by the EU and was implemented by ANCE N.G.O.


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