“Yourope for Rights” had parallel aims at two different levels: At general level aimed at getting a picture among the wider public on the perception of immigration (especially asylum seekers and refugees) - through a survey which was conducted in at least 5 European countries – , at fostering debate and the formulation of recommendations directed to the European policy makers, and at creating the tools for further awareness raising campaign and projects. At practical level, it aimed at creating opportunities for mutual knowledge and interaction targeting local population, immigrants and refugees.
Different kind of activities were implemented throughout the project, aiming at reaching a as much diverse as possible target group with different needs and working styles.
- A survey on the perception of forced immigrants and asylum seekers in 5 European countries (Italy, Greece, Germany, Slovenia and Poland)
- Informative meetings about right of asylum and European policies on immigration
- Debates about rights of migrants, role of EU in immigration policies
- Experiential workshops bringing together local citizens and migrants/refugees/asylum seekers
- Production of multimedia material aimed at raising awareness on the abovementioned issues
- Recommendations to the European decision makers
- A publication collecting all the project results and the outcomes of the survey
The project was implemented in the framework of the program “Europe for Citizens (2007-2013)”, Action 1: Measure 2.1: Citizens' projects.