Elaboration of a strategy for a stronger engagement of the EU in the culture sector – Mozambique

Over the last ten years, a series of initiatives has shown the increasing EU commitment to cultural international relations. The EU’s global strategy explicitly identified cultural diplomacy as one of the new fields of the EU joined-up external action, promoting societal resilience by deepening work on education, culture and youth to foster pluralism, coexistence, and respect.

The global objective of this framework was to elaborate a strategy for a stronger engagement of the EU in the culture sector in Mozambique.

Specific objectives: This assignment was divided into two phases.

Phase I: 1.Analysis of the cultural sectors in Mozambique. This included an analysis of the informal and non-state cultural dimensions; 2.Analysis of the main lessons learned from EU and donors’ main previous actions in support of culture in Mozambique; 3.Elaboration of a holistic strategy for EU cultural cooperation in Mozambique.

Phase II: 4.Identification and formulation of an EU project in support to the cultural sector in Mozambique

Duration: September 2021 - April 2022

This project was financed by the EU and implemented by EMERCON and ANCE.


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