Promote Immigrant Volunteering to Reclaim Community Life (2011-2012)

The project aimed at promoting volunteering and networking of immigrants and non immigrants in local communities to enhance the sense of belonging and inclusion in the community and reclaim community life. It also aimed at facilitating and promoting the organization of community-based events and activities to bridge the immigrant communities with local residents and organizations and to reinforce civic engagement, as well as at facilitating volunteering activities involving immigrants. The project’s main objectives were to:

  • Strengthen the capacities of staff and volunteers of structures and/or organizations that are managed by or work with immigrants in organizing volunteering activities and in facilitating the participation of immigrants in volunteering.
  • Encourage the immigrant and non-immigrant residents of neighborhoods to get involved in voluntary activities to know each other better, to take civic action on community issues that matter to all and to develop a sense of belonging to the community, helping to overcome isolation and alienation.
  • Facilitate successful management of cultural diversity, challenging harmful stereotypes and foster social cohesion.
  • Raise awareness on how volunteering can promote the inclusion of immigrants and what can immigrants contribute to volunteering and community life.

The project was co-financed by European Union ("Call for proposals for flagship projects in the framework of the European Year of Volunteering 2011- COMM/C2/1-2010 EYV").


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