Sport in Greenways (SIGWAY)

Sport in Greenways (SIGWAY) aims to promote sport and healthy leisure activities outdoors by stimulating sports activities offer in greenways and potential greenways; while raising awareness of environmental issues and the circular economy. Moreover, SIGWAY aims at enhancing sports field employability and local economies.

In order to do that the project works on 3 main pillars:

  • Research on sports existing offered in Greenways. Good practices and Innovative sports activities organized in greenways and could be transferable will be explored. Mapping of potential new greenways will be also developed.
  • Development of a Sport Activities Programme & Sport Training of Trainers (SToT). Different target groups and relevant topics will be included, such as young people and social media, Women & sisterhood, Families & bonding, elders & active aging, and people with reduced mobility & inclusion. In addition, the Sports Activities will aim at dealing with transversal topics such as environmental awareness and circular economy.
  • Design a Strategy for Sport Activities Programme in Greenways. Implementation possibilities will be proposed to enhance the local economy and revitalize abandoned areas through sport.

The project started in May 2022 and ends at the end of October 2024. It is implemented by 7 partner organizations from 7 EU countries: Defoin (coordinator – Spain), ANCE (Greece), AISBL (Belgium), Zentrum fur innovative bildung (Austria), OTI Slovakia, TREKKIFY (Italy), ADCS Carvalhais (Portugal).


Click here to read the flyer 


1st Newsletter 

2nd Newsletter

Interactive map:​

National report:

Handbook of best practices:


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