Qualifications and skills required:
- Master’s Degree or above in social sciences, health, economics or related field.
- An additional qualification in social protection reforms with a focus on Africa and/or EU policy towards Africa, will be considered as a strong asset.
- Knowledge of European Commission policy in the concerned sector, as well as good understanding of the instruments governing the EU-Africa relations and relevant policy framework will be considered as an asset.
- Excellent report and policy brief writing skills.
General professional experience:
- At least 12 years professional experience related to social protection.
- At least 6 years professional experience on Africa is required.
Specific Professional Experience
- At least 10 years professional experience in social protection policy design, development and analysis.
- Having carried out at least 6 assignments of at least 40 days each, in at least 3 of the following domains: i) social situation and impact analysis, ii) social policy institutions and their management, iii) pension policy, legislation, systems and reform, iv) social inclusion and assistance policies and systems.
- Experience as expert in EU development cooperation programmes, in national development cooperation agencies, and/or with international organisations in the social protection area in Africa from a continental perspective will be considered as an asset.
Language skills:
- Excellent written and oral communication skills in English.
- Ability to reference relevant information and materials and communicate in French.
If you are interested in this position, please send us your CV at: fwclot4@ance-hellas.org|Deadline: 7th December 2021.