Team Requirements:
Qualifications and skills required:
- All members of the team must possess a Bachelors or Masters degree in a humanities field such as education, economics or sociology or similar and possess 12 years professional experience.
- The European Union pursues an equal opportunities policy. Gender balance in the proposed team, at all levels, is highly recommended.
General professional experience:
- The evaluation team must have a cumulative experience of at least 12 years in the area of evaluation mostly in but not limited to the field of development cooperation, with solid experience in rigorous evaluation methods and techniques
Specific professional experience:
- At least one of the experts must have a minimum of 2 successfully completed intervention-level or strategic evaluations. This includes the capacity to adapt and use quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection and analysis.
- At least one member of the team must have conducted an intervention-level or strategic evaluation in the MENA region.
- At least one member of the team must have conducted an intervention- level or strategic evaluation in the area of VET. If the team possesses more experience in intervention-level or strategic evaluations in the area of VET beyond this, it will be considered an asset.
Language skills:
- Each member of the team proposed must be fluent in English.
- At least one of them fluent in Arabic.
- At least C-1 level expertise is required for both languages.
If you are interested in this position, please send us your CV at: fwclot4@ance-hellas.org|
Deadline: Monday 21st of September 2022.