Online event - BestBonds project

Online event - BestBonds project

Η ANCE  σας προσκαλεί να παρακολουθήσετε το για το έργο «BestBonds – Ενίσχυση & ανάπτυξη ικανοτήτων των εκπαιδευτών ενηλίκων», που υλοποιείται με συγχρηματοδότηση από το πρόγραμμα “Erasmus+” της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Η πρόσκληση απευθύνεται κυρίως σε εκπαιδευτές ενηλίκων, και έχει ως αντικείμενο τη γνωριμία του κοινού με τους στόχους και τη…

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KE2- Teacher Training (TT) (CAT II) for the project: Education Quality Improvement in Kyrgyzstan (Deadline: 28th May 2021)

KE2- Teacher Training (TT) (CAT II) for the project: Education Quality Improvement in Kyrgyzstan (Deadline: 28th May 2021)

Requirements: Qualifications and skills required: At least Master’s degree in education, pedagogy, social sciences, ICT or other relevant field or in its absence, professional experience in education sector of a minimum of 7 years. General professional experience At least 6 years’ experience in the sector(s) related to the assignment. Specific…

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Education Quality Expert-Team Leader (Cat I) for the project: Education Quality Improvement in Kyrgyzstan (Deadline: 28th May 2021)

Education Quality Expert-Team Leader (Cat I) for the project: Education Quality Improvement in Kyrgyzstan (Deadline: 28th May 2021)

Requirements: Qualifications and skills required: At least Master’s degree in education, pedagogy, social sciences or other relevant field or in its absence, professional experience in the relevant sectors of a minimum of 13 years. General professional experience At least 12 years’ experience in the field(s) relevant to the assignment. Specific…

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Online survey  - NEST project

Online survey - NEST project

ANCE is happy to present you the following video which is about the implementation of a survey within the framework of the NEST Project. This survey will be conducted between May and June 2021 and is intended for migrants/refugees and educational practitioners to identify both the degree of the social…

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Expert 2- Health (CAT II) for the Project : «Evaluation ex-post des interventions de l'UE dans le domaine des services sociaux de base (éducation et santé) en RCA » (Deadline 17th May 2021)

Expert 2- Health (CAT II) for the Project : «Evaluation ex-post des interventions de l'UE dans le domaine des services sociaux de base (éducation et santé) en RCA » (Deadline 17th May 2021)

Requirements: Qualifications and skills required: Holder of a master’s degree in the field of public health or equivalent or have demonstrated experience of more than 10 years in the field of public health. Any additional training in the field of evaluation will be appreciated as an additional asset. Perfect command…

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Expert 1-Education – (CAT II) for the project: « Evaluation ex-post des interventions de l'UE dans le domaine des services sociaux de base (éducation et santé) en RCA » (Deadline 17th May 2021)

Expert 1-Education – (CAT II) for the project: « Evaluation ex-post des interventions de l'UE dans le domaine des services sociaux de base (éducation et santé) en RCA » (Deadline 17th May 2021)

Requirements: Qualifications and skills required: Education: Holder of a master’s degree or equivalent in the field of Education or have demonstrated experience of more than 10 years. Any additional training in the field of evaluation will be appreciated as an additional asset. Perfect command of the most common computer software…

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KE3- Microbiology and sterility testing expert (Cat II) for the project: Support to the management of EU donation to Zambia response to COVID-19 and post HSSP technical support to MSL and ZAMRA (Deadline: 10th April 2021)

KE3- Microbiology and sterility testing expert (Cat II) for the project: Support to the management of EU donation to Zambia response to COVID-19 and post HSSP technical support to MSL and ZAMRA (Deadline: 10th April 2021)

Requirements: Qualifications and skills required: At least a Master’s degree or equivalent in a relevant field such as microbiology or biomedical science, or in its absence, a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in a relevant field such as microbiology or biomedical science and 3 years of experience in addition to the…

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KE2- Supply chain/warehouse management systems expert (Cat II) for the project: Support to the management of EU donation to Zambia response to COVID-19 and post HSSP technical support to MSL and ZAMRA (Deadline: 10th April 2021)

KE2- Supply chain/warehouse management systems expert (Cat II) for the project: Support to the management of EU donation to Zambia response to COVID-19 and post HSSP technical support to MSL and ZAMRA (Deadline: 10th April 2021)

Requirements: Qualifications and skills required: At least a Master’s degree or equivalent in a relevant field such as pharmacy, supply chain management, or in its absence, a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in a relevant field such as pharmacy, supply chain management and 3 years of experience in addition to the…

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Team Leader (Cat II) Medical supply chain expert and team Leader for the project: Support to the management of EU donation to Zambia response to COVID-19 and post HSSP technical support to MSL and ZAMRA (Deadline: 10th April 2021)

Team Leader (Cat II) Medical supply chain expert and team Leader for the project: Support to the management of EU donation to Zambia response to COVID-19 and post HSSP technical support to MSL and ZAMRA (Deadline: 10th April 2021)

Requirements: Qualifications and skills required: Education: At least a Master’s degree or equivalent in pharmacy, public health, supply chain management or public health logistics, or in its absence, a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in a relevant field such as pharmacy, public health or supply chain management and 3 years of…

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KICK-OFF MEETING of the project BestBonds - Extending the Competences of Adult Educators

KICK-OFF MEETING of the project BestBonds - Extending the Competences of Adult Educators

  The kick-off meeting of our project BestBonds – Extending the Competences of Adult Educators took place virtually. It was a fruitful discussion where all the details and the steps of the project were planned.   The aims at extending and developing the competences of educators and other personnel who…

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