Youth Exchange, Plav - Montenegro. 5-10 July 2024
Are you passionate about environmental issues and looking for practical ways to make a difference? We are looking for aged between 18 to 25 years old, to join us for an exciting Youth Exchange, in the context of the Erasmus+ project Youth CARE.
This 6-day program is designed to deepen your understanding of environmental issues and equip you with practical tools and recommendations for environmental action and reflection.
A total of 25 participants will join this exciting exchange program from Greece, Montenegro, Albania, and Italy! Don't miss this opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, learn, and contribute to environmental action!
Apply now https://forms.gle/81sve8ofhemZzgJ97 !
For more information contact ANCE via email mzografaki@ance-hellas.org - zahariadi@ance-hellas.org or tel. +30 210 8215 044