We are glad to announce the completion of the official kick-off meeting of our new Erasmus+ Sports project Funmilies: Intergenerational Sport Solutions for Healthy Ageing. All partners had a 2 day opportunity to meet each other online, discuss, and plan the next steps of this very active consortium.
The aim of the Funmilies project: is to promote social inclusion in sport of a usually excluded group that of persons over 65, through the promotion of intergenerational cooperation specifically with youth below 25 years of age.
During its 24-month lifetime the Funmilies project will implement research, training and awareness raising activities that will target to:
• Enhancing participation and cooperation in intergenerational sports activities of elders of 65+ and youth of 25-
• Enhancing the awareness and capacities of sports professionals in organizing/implementing intergenerational sports activities that motivate the participation of elders
• Raising awareness on the importance of physical activity and active ageing among older (and younger) citizens
• Increasing the access of persons 65+ in sports activities
We thank our partners Active Bulgarian Society, Budapest Association for International Sports, CSC Danilo Dolci and Slovenian Third Age University for a very productive and fruitful collaborative meeting and we are looking forward in creating and sharing positive impact with our implementation activities!
Stay tuned for more information on the project the following months.