NEW PROJECT “Relate! Finding Stories to Embrace our Planet’s Limits”


We are excited to announce ANCE's participation in the newly awarded project: Relate! Finding Stories to Embrace our Planet's Limits.  The project is coordinated by KMGNE and will run for 16 months (November 2020-March 2022).

Its main goal is to contribute to overcoming the strong barriers and post-factual trends which currently stand in the way of a social-ecological transformation needed to tackle the present fundamental challenges the EU and the world faces with regard to issues like climate change, biodiversity loss, land degradation, ocean pollution and acidification, and others. It will do so by building capacities for intercultural and transformative literacy, develop transformative competences and to create serial stories, narrations and narratives to be passed on to the younger generations.

The project is funded by Erasmus+ Youth Solidarity Corps and Aid Volunteers Programme and implemented by: KMGNE (Germany), ANCE (Greece), Miguel Hernández University (Spain), Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano (Chile), Fundación EcoMinga (Ecuador) and DesarrollosMex – Developments for a Sustainable Future in Mexico.


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