In the framework of our project “Elaboration of a strategy for a stronger engagement of the EU in the culture sector in Mozambique”, a restitution workshop took place in Maputo on the 19th of February 2022.
The scope of this workshop was to present to relevant stakeholders the draft action report and the draft action document developed by the team of experts and to obtain feedback inputs in order to fine tune and draft the final report.
The workshop took place in a hybrid format in order to allow wider participation of stakeholders through the country. In the workshop participated high level staff from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (1 minister advisor, 1 focal point for the cooperation between the Ministry and EU State Members, 2 National Directors), from public society the main leaders of culture (president of federations and associations), from the private sector arts businesses owners and the representation of the Confederation of Economic Associations. The workshop was also attended by provincial level stakeholders that participated via Zoom.