Civil Society Dialogue is a programme bringing together civil society organisations from Turkey and the EU around common topics, to exchange knowledge and experience, and to build a sustained conversation between the organisations. The Programme is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA). The Ministry for European Union Affairs is the responsible institution for the technical implementation of the programme.
Since its launch in 2008, the Civil Society Dialogue Programme has supported over 600 dialogue partnerships through 350 projects in many different fields, witnessing hundreds of activities to bring EU and Turkish communities closer together and create a greater mutual understanding amongst them. To date through the first three phase, a total of 42.5 million euros has funded these activities.
The fourth phase of the Programme has been completed recently. 80 projects across nine policy areas of the EU were supported during the fourth phase with a total budget of 11 million euros. These areas included environment; energy; consumer and health protection; justice, freedom and security; right of establishment and freedom to provide services; regional policy and coordination of structural instruments; enterprise and industrial policy; agriculture and fisheries and education. For more information please visit http://civilsocietydialogue.org
The call for proposals for the fifth phase of the Programme was published on 20 November 2017. The grant program with a total budget of 6 million Euros aims to develop projects jointly carried out by organizations from Turkey and the EU on issues related to all the chapters of the EU negotiation process (https://ec.europa.eu/neighbourhood-enlargement/policy/conditions-membership/chapters-of-the-acquis_en). At least 60,000 Euros and up to 200,000 euros grant support will be provided to the projects jointly developed by associations, foundations, federations, and confederations of associations and foundations from Turkey with the non-profit organizations from EU member countries.
The grant application deadline is 16 February 2018 and applications must be made to the Central Finance and Contracts Unit in Turkey (www.cfcu.gov.tr) by courier, postal service or by hand. Detailed information and application documents for the Civil Society Dialogue V Grant Scheme can be accessed from the web page of our Ministry (https://www.ab.gov.tr/50997_en.html).
In order to find a co-applicant and communicate with your potential co-applicants or mature your project ideas, please register to the Matchmaking Tool (http://pst.siviltoplumdiyalogu.org/default.aspx) prepared under the Civil Society Dialogue Program.