The overall objective of Capacities 4 Climate Change project is that youth workers and youth in Germany, Spain, Greece, Ecuador, Mexico, Chile and throughout the EU and Latin America grasp, understand, reflect on and communicate the importance of local, regional and global climate adaptation needs, policies and strategies and that they are enabled to develop competences and to take up responsibility for the importance of young people’s active role in shaping the pathways for the upcoming transformation processes towards climate adaptation. The specific objective of C4CC is to develop and realize a three-step e-learning and encounter-based capacity building for youth workers and young multipliers focusing on the so-called “transmedia storytelling”. The capacity building and its respective workshops and activities are embedded in the production of a set of communication products made by the participants.
The first mobility exchange-summer school will take place in Karnitz, Germany from August 13 to August 28 2016. The outputs of this first meeting will be a transmedia story and platform about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with special regard to climate mitigation & adaptation, biodiversity and land use & degradation, social media accounts and a variety of audio-visual products to be fed into the beginning “big stories”.
For participation in the mobility exchange there is no other requirement apart from a good level of English language skills (Spanish desirable) and an interest in the topics. All costs (accommodation, travel, food) are covered by the programme.
If you are interested in participating please contact ANCE as soon as possible (tel. 210 8215044 / e-mail: ance@ance-hellas.org)