The SustDiet project was successfully completed in March 2024 after 24 months of dedicated effort (plus an extra 3-month extension). The project team, spanning Germany, Spain, Turkey, Portugal, Greece, and Malta, united to change our relationship with food and the planet.
A well-structured educational and raising awareness program designed for athletes of all levels, coaches, sports professionals, and nutritionists, regarding sustainable diets, as well as an innovative web app that served as our Digital Nutrition Education Tool, paved the way for sustainable eating habits.
We used our expertise to shape policy recommendations, ensuring that sustainability isn't just a buzzword, but a baseline of European and national guidelines across diverse backgrounds.
The project hosted 3 Transnational Project Meetings and organized Multiplier Events in every partner country. Last but not least, the Final conference in Athens was a huge success with online and in-person participants.
However, this is just the ending of a chapter, as we will continue to work towards a sustainable future.
Kmgne Bolu Project Office Sport Evolution Alliance Malta Exercise Health and Fitness Association Defoin Μαθαίνω Διατροφή