We are excited to announce that the ANCE Consortium was awarded a new project in Morocco entitled “Suivi de la mise en œuvre de la troisieme phase du Programme d’appui de l’UE à la Stratégie d’alphabétisation au Maroc” (“Follow-up of the implementation of the third phase of the EU Support Program to the Literacy Strategy in Morocco”) (FWC SIEA 2018-LOT 4: Human Development and Safety Net).
The main objective of the third phase of the National Literacy Strategy Support Program (SUIVI ALPHA III) is to improve the education system as a whole, including the aspect of lifelong learning, in relation to the three main dimensions of accessibility and equity, the quality and governance of the system. More specifically, this project will contribute to regular monitoring of the implementation of the SUIVI ALPHA III and conduct independent monitoring missions mainly aimed at verifying the fulfillment of eligibility conditions for budget support as well as the degree of achievement of performance indicators for variable tranches.
The project will run for three (3) years until September 2022, and will be implemented by ANCE in cooperation with EMERCON.