We are very happy to announce ΑΝCE's participation in one more project funded by Erasmus+ Programme. The project is coordinated by Association Mundus Bulgaria, entitled “Alliance for Green Entrepreneurship”.
The project will run for 24 months and adult learners and will work on fostering sustainable entrepreneurship education by creating specialised and learner-driven educational materials and resources, dedicated to development of competences for creating circular economy models, green start-ups and digital enterprises for promoting social innovation and strengthening the third sector entities.
It will be implemented by 6 partner organizations from 6 EU countries: Association Mundus Bulgaria – Bulgaria (Leader), Regionalne Centrum Wolontariatu – Poland, Athens Network of Collaborating Experts (Ance) - Greece, Sosu Ostjylland – Denmark, Stichting Dutch Foundation of Innovation Welfare 2 Work – The Netherlands, Association DGT – Romania.