We are glad to announce that ANCE Consortium was awarded a new project: «Appui à la fourniture d’une offre de formation innovante, efficace et accessible équitablement à tous et qui répond aux besoins socio-économiques dans les 8 régions du Niger» ( Support for the provision of an innovative, effective and equitably accessible training offer that meets socio-economic needs in the 8 regions of Niger) - (FWC SIEA 2018 – LOT 4 : Human Development And Safety Net).
The main objective of the project is to develop an innovative training offer that responds to the socio-economic needs of the 8 regions of Niger by :
• Bringing concrete elements to the populations to motivate their choice of a vocational training offer
• Establishing effective and sustainable regional and national TVET planning that is consistent with international norms and standards and the needs of the economy.
The project will run from January 2021 to August 2023. It is financed by the EU and implemented by LUVENT in cooperation with ANCE.