Requirements: Qualifications and skills required: Higher level university education, minimum at “Bac + 4” level (engineer or master) in Economic, Political, Social, Educational Sciences, or similar discipline. Good knowledge of the legal and institutional framework for technical and vocational education and training in Burundi. Good knowledge of the job market…
Read MoreRequirements: Qualifications and skills required: Education: University degree (BAC + 5) at least in Economic, Political, Social, Educational Sciences, or similar discipline. Excellent writing skills. Ability to work in a context of fragility. Ability to work in a team in a multidisciplinary and multicultural context. Good knowledge of the project…
Read MoreRequirements: a) Qualifications and skills required: Expert 3 must have a higher education diploma at Masters level or equivalent (human, medical or social sciences, law, public administration, management). In the absence of a relevant diploma, a professional experience of at least 17 years will be required. b) General professional experience:…
Read MoreRequirements: a) Qualifications and skills required: Expert 2 must have a higher education diploma at Masters level (Masters in Health, Economic and Social Sciences, Law, Public Administration, Management). In the absence of a relevant diploma, a professional experience of at least 17 years will be required. b) General professional experience:…
Read MoreRequirements: a) Qualifications and skills required: Expert 1 must have a higher education diploma at Masters level or equivalent (public health, health administration, law, economics and / or management). In the absence of a relevant diploma, a professional experience of at least 17 years will be required. b) General professional…
Read MoreThe kick off meeting of our new project Soft skills Outside of a school Learning environment (SOUL Skills) took place virtually! All partners had the chance to meet each other, discuss and plan each step of the project. Stay tuned for our news! Platform AGORA is the leader of the…
Read MoreWe are happy to announce ’ participation in one more project funded by Erasmus+ Programme. The project is coordinated by Platform AGORA and it is entitled: Soft skills Outside of a school Learning environment (SOUL Skills). The main objective is to provide information about the effects of the current social…
Read MoreRequirements: Qualifications and skills required: Education at least (Bac +2/3 minimum) or an equivalent qualification in communication or in an associated field. General professional experience: Proven experience in the design and organization of events in Niger. Experience in communication targeting so-called vulnerable populations (women, young people, people with disabilities) and…
Read MoreRequirements: Qualifications and skills required: Education at least Master’s Degree in communication, journalism or in an associated field or in related fields, or equivalent professional experience. Excellent listening, communication, analytical and writing skills. Good understanding of local needs / challenges and of the different target audiences and European priorities. Strong…
Read MoreΔΙΑΧΕΙΡΙΣΤΗΣ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΙΚΩΝ ΕΡΓΩΝ – PROJECT MANAGER Η Athens Network of Collaborating Experts ζητά Διαχειριστή Ευρωπαϊκών Έργων Αρμοδιότητες- Καθήκοντα Ο Διαχειριστής Ευρωπαϊκών Έργων είναι υπεύθυνος/η για • Την ανάπτυξη της στρατηγικής υλοποίησης των έργων, των στόχων τους και των αναμενόμενων αποτελεσμάτων τους • Την εξασφάλιση της ομαλής υλοποίησης των έργων σε…
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