Strengthening the EU-Turkey civil society cooperation for the support of the integration of refugees and migrants

The overall objective of the project was to strengthen the EU-Turkey Civil Society cooperation for the support of the integration of refugees and migrants in their host societies. More specifically, the project aimed to intensify cooperation and networking among CSOs in Europe and Turkey, to enhance the capacity of CSOs in promoting and supporting the integration of migrants and refugees, to strengthen the role of CSOs in policy formulation and developing solutions in this field, and to increase public awareness on the rights of refugees and migrants and on the benefits of migrants/refugees in host societies.

The project was implemented through the following activities:

Activity 1: Sharing experience and best practices events

  • A1.1. Two (2) four (4) days sharing experience events took place in Greece and Italy with the participation of CSOS from Europe and Turkey
  • A1.2. Development of recommendations

Activity 2: Engaging CSOs with relevant stakeholders and local communities stakeholders

  • A2.2 Three (3) local community engagement and raising awareness events
  • A2.3 Development of recommendations

Activity 3: Roadmap for the integration of refugees and migrants

  • A3.1 Desk research
  • A3.2 Publication: A roadmap for the integration of migrants and refugees

Activity 4: Launching the EU-Turkey Civil Society Network

  • A4.1 Elaboration of the operational guidelines and procedures
  • A4.2 Launch of the Network

Activity 5: Dissemination

  • A5.1 Project Network Website
  • A5.2 Social media campaign
  • A5.3 Production of promotional material
  • A5.4 Final conference

The project was co-funded by the Civil Society Dialogue Programme (Fifth Phase) and its duration was 15 months (1/4/2019-30/6/2020)


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