Suivi de la mise en œuvre de la troisième phase du programme d’appui de l’UE à la stratégie d’alphabétisation – Morocco

According to the latest general census of population and housing (2014), 32.2% of the Moroccan population aged 10 years and over is illiterate, which represents 8.6 million inhabitants. Despite the fact that the illiteracy rate has dropped significantly in recent years, it remains well above in comparison with other countries in the sub-region.

The European Union has supported the National Literacy Strategy through the following two Support Programmes: a) The Strategic Vision for Education Reform 2015-30, adopted in 2015, which covers Education issues in general, ranging from Literacy to Higher Education and Research, through Basic Education and Vocational Training; b) The Roadmap 2017-21, which forecasts a global illiteracy rate of less than 20% by 2021, through the pursuit of three objectives: (1) Strengthen good governance; (2) improve the quality of learning; (3) adopt the methodology of categorization and targeting of learners in addition to ensure all the necessary conditions for the establishment of a more attractive training system.

As part of the continuity of the two previous programs, the objective of the Third Phase of the Support program of the EU to the National Literacy Strategy was to improve the education system as a whole, including the aspect of lifelong learning, in relation to the three main dimensions of accessibility and equity, the quality and governance of the system.

More specifically, the main objective of this project was to contribute to regular monitoring of the implementation of the third phase of the National Literacy Strategy Support Program (SUIVI ALPHA III) and conduct independent monitoring missions mainly aimed at verifying the fulfillment of eligibility conditions for budget support.

Duration: September 2019-September 2022

This project was financed by the EU and implemented by ANCE in cooperation with EMERCON.


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