Team Leader (Cat I) for the project: “Ex-post Evaluation of SHARE (Supporting the Hardest to Reach through Basic Education) Programme in Bangladesh” (Deadline 4th November 2019)

Team Leader (Cat I) for the project: “Ex-post Evaluation of SHARE (Supporting the Hardest to Reach through Basic Education) Programme in Bangladesh” (Deadline 4th November 2019)

Minimum Requirements of the Team Leader General professional experience Twelve (12) years of experience in management, evaluation & monitoring systems in relation to Education programmes, preferably in developing economies in Asia (experience with EC funded projects will be considered an asset) Specific professional experience Six (6) years of experience in…

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Key Expert (Cat I) for the project: “Support the EU-ACP partnership agreement negotiations” (Deadline 31st  October 2019)

Key Expert (Cat I) for the project: “Support the EU-ACP partnership agreement negotiations” (Deadline 31st October 2019)

 Qualifications and skills Master in political or social sciences (development, economics, sociology) or law or international relations. PhD in this area will be considered as an asset. General professional experience At least 12-year experience in EU development policy, including the EU policy making process. Specific professional experience Proven in-depth knowledge…

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Key expert 3 for the project: “Cross-sectoral cooperation and innovation within Creative and Cultural Industries - practices, opportunities and policies within the area of the Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture” (Deadline 5th November 2019)

Key expert 3 for the project: “Cross-sectoral cooperation and innovation within Creative and Cultural Industries - practices, opportunities and policies within the area of the Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture” (Deadline 5th November 2019)

Qualifications and skills The Key Expert 3 should have at least a Master’s Degree Academic level in areas relevant to the study. In the absence of a Master’s Degree, an equivalent professional experience of at least 4 years in addition to the general professional experience specified below is required. Fluency…

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Key expert 2 for the project: “Cross-sectoral cooperation and innovation within Creative and Cultural Industries - practices, opportunities and policies within the area of the Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture” (Deadline 5th November 2019)

Key expert 2 for the project: “Cross-sectoral cooperation and innovation within Creative and Cultural Industries - practices, opportunities and policies within the area of the Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture” (Deadline 5th November 2019)

1. Qualifications and skills The Key Expert 2 should have at least a Master’s Degree Academic level in areas relevant to the study. In the absence of a Master’s Degree, an equivalent professional experience of at least 4 years in addition to the general professional experience specified below is required.…

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Team Leader for the project: “Cross-sectoral cooperation and innovation within Creative and Cultural Industries - practices, opportunities and policies within the area of the Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture” (Deadline 5th November 2019)

Team Leader for the project: “Cross-sectoral cooperation and innovation within Creative and Cultural Industries - practices, opportunities and policies within the area of the Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture” (Deadline 5th November 2019)

1. Qualifications and skills The Team Leader should have at least a Master’s Degree Academic level in areas relevant to the study. In the absence of a Master’s Degree, an equivalent professional experience of at least 4 years in addition to the general professional experience specified below is required. Proven…

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Key expert 2/evaluator for the project: “Evaluation of two Budget Support Programmes: Financing Agreements between the European Union and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Key expert 2/evaluator for the project: “Evaluation of two Budget Support Programmes: Financing Agreements between the European Union and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Key expert 2/evaluator for the project: “Evaluation of two Budget Support Programmes: Financing Agreements between the European Union and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for: (1) Sindh Education Sector Support Programme ACA/2011/023-009″ and (2) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Sector Plan Support Programme (KP-ESPSP) ACA/2013/024-616” (Deadline 18th October 2019) Minimum requirements of…

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Team Leader for the project: “Evaluation of two Budget Support Programmes: Financing Agreements between the European Union and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Team Leader for the project: “Evaluation of two Budget Support Programmes: Financing Agreements between the European Union and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Team Leader for the project: “Evaluation of two Budget Support Programmes: Financing Agreements between the European Union and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for: (1) Sindh Education Sector Support Programme ACA/2011/023-009″ and (2) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Sector Plan Support Programme (KP-ESPSP) ACA/2013/024-616” (Deadline 18th October 2019) Minimum requirements of the…

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Η Athens Network of Collaborating Experts ζητά Υπεύθυνο Διοικητικής Υποστήριξης.

Η Athens Network of Collaborating Experts ζητά Υπεύθυνο Διοικητικής Υποστήριξης.

Αρμοδιότητες- Καθήκοντα Ο κάτοχος της θέσης καλείται να διασφάλισει την εύρυθμη λειτουργία του γραφείου και τη διοικητική υποστήριξη των διαδικασιών και των έργων του οργανισμού. Πιο αναλυτικά θα είναι υπεύθυνος για: Τη διοικητική υποστήριξη των έργων του οργανισμού Την ενημέρωση των αρχείων και των βάσεων δεδομένων του οργανισμού Την προετοιμασία…

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Υπογράφηκε η σύμβαση για το έργο του Μαρόκου «Suivi de la mise en œuvre de la troisieme phase du Programme d’appui de l’UE à la Stratégie d’alphabétisation au Maroc” («Παρακολούθηση της εφαρμογής της τρίτης φάσης του προγράμματος στήριξης της ΕΕ στη στρατηγική του αλφαβητισμού στο Μαρόκο») Ο βασικός σκοπός της…

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Υπογράφηκε η σύμβαση για το έργο της Παραγουάης “Improving the Educational Quality through the Design of the New Initial Teacher Training and the Preparation of the New Master Plan for the Training and Pedagogical Practice in Classroom in Paraguay ” (FWC SIEA 2018 – LOT 4: Human Development and Safety…

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