We are excited to announce that the ANCE Consortium was awarded a new project entitled Ex-post evaluation of SHARE (Supporting the Hardest to Reach through Basic Education) Programme in Bangladesh.
The overall objective of the SHARE programme was to contribute to the achievement of Bangladesh’s development goals and to a national basic education framework. The programme purpose was to provide basic education opportunities of quality for the hardest to reach out-of-school children and their parents and guardians, in 219 upazillas and thanas of 47 districts in 7 divisions of Bangladesh.
The main objectives of this evaluation are to provide the relevant services of the European Union, and the interested stakeholders with:
- An overall independent assessment of the past performance of the SHARE programme, paying particular attention to its results measured against its objectives;
- Key lessons and recommendations in order to improve potential future Actions.
The project will run for 6 months from March till September 2020, and will be implemented by ANCE.