Νέο έργο FWC!

Νέο έργο FWC!

Μέσω διαγωνιστικής διαδικασίας αντέθηκε στην Κοινοπραξία ANCE νέο έργο στο Μάλι. Το έργο έχει ως τίτλο «Ενδιάμεση αξιολόγηση του προγράμματος στήριξης της βασικής εκπαίδευσης στο Μάλι (PROF)» (FWC SIEA 2018-LOT 4: Ανθρώπινη Ανάπτυξη και Δίκτυ Ασφαλείας). Το έργο θα διαρκέσει τρεις (3) μήνες έως τον Δεκέμβριο του 2018 και στοχεύει…

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Key Expert 2 for the project: “Mid-Term Evaluation of the EU funded Programme “Pagoda Delegation Agreement for Expanding Access to Education and Protection for at Risk Children in Egypt” (ENI/2015/371-652) (Deadline 19 November 2018)

Key Expert 2 for the project: “Mid-Term Evaluation of the EU funded Programme “Pagoda Delegation Agreement for Expanding Access to Education and Protection for at Risk Children in Egypt” (ENI/2015/371-652) (Deadline 19 November 2018)

Συγγνώμη,αυτή η εγγραφή είναι διαθέσιμη μόνο στα Αγγλικά Αμερικής.

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Key Expert 1-Team Leader for the project: “Mid-Term Evaluation of the EU funded Programme “Pagoda Delegation Agreement for Expanding Access to Education and Protection for at Risk Children in Egypt” (ENI/2015/371-652) (Deadline 19 November 2018)

Key Expert 1-Team Leader for the project: “Mid-Term Evaluation of the EU funded Programme “Pagoda Delegation Agreement for Expanding Access to Education and Protection for at Risk Children in Egypt” (ENI/2015/371-652) (Deadline 19 November 2018)

Συγγνώμη,αυτή η εγγραφή είναι διαθέσιμη μόνο στα Αγγλικά Αμερικής.

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We are looking for a Key Expert 1-Team Leader and Key Expert 2 for the project: “Formação a organizações da Sociedade Civil no âmbito de subvenções co-financiadas pela União Europeia” in ANGOLA (Deadline 20 November 2018)

We are looking for a Key Expert 1-Team Leader and Key Expert 2 for the project: “Formação a organizações da Sociedade Civil no âmbito de subvenções co-financiadas pela União Europeia” in ANGOLA (Deadline 20 November 2018)

Συγγνώμη,αυτή η εγγραφή είναι διαθέσιμη μόνο στα Αγγλικά Αμερικής.

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Key Expert 2- for the project: “Identification and Formulation of EU Actions in support of Education Sector Reforms in Egypt under the Annual Action Programme 2019 (Deadline 19 November 2018)

Key Expert 2- for the project: “Identification and Formulation of EU Actions in support of Education Sector Reforms in Egypt under the Annual Action Programme 2019 (Deadline 19 November 2018)

Συγγνώμη,αυτή η εγγραφή είναι διαθέσιμη μόνο στα Αγγλικά Αμερικής.

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Key Expert 1-Team Leader for the project: “Identification and Formulation of EU Actions in support of Education Sector Reforms in Egypt under the Annual Action Programme 2019 (Deadline 19 November 2018)

Key Expert 1-Team Leader for the project: “Identification and Formulation of EU Actions in support of Education Sector Reforms in Egypt under the Annual Action Programme 2019 (Deadline 19 November 2018)

Συγγνώμη,αυτή η εγγραφή είναι διαθέσιμη μόνο στα Αγγλικά Αμερικής.

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SENIOR EXPERTS for the project “Support to the MoE in the development of sustainable and various financing sources of education through public private partnership (PPP) initiatives” in Azerbaijan.

SENIOR EXPERTS for the project “Support to the MoE in the development of sustainable and various financing sources of education through public private partnership (PPP) initiatives” in Azerbaijan.

Συγγνώμη,αυτή η εγγραφή είναι διαθέσιμη μόνο στα Αγγλικά Αμερικής.

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Key Expert 3 for the project: “Technical Assistance for Modernising Schools with Science Laboratories”- CYPRUS (Deadline 17 September 2018)

Key Expert 3 for the project: “Technical Assistance for Modernising Schools with Science Laboratories”- CYPRUS (Deadline 17 September 2018)

(i) Qualification and Skills: A degree in relevant fields such as science, education, pedagogy, social sciences, etc. or, in its absence, 2 years of equivalent professional experience beyond the general professional experience duration fixed below (i.e. 3+2 = 5 years of professional experience in the education sector). (ii) General Professional…

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Key Expert 2 for the project: “Technical Assistance for Modernising Schools with Science Laboratories” – CYPRUS (Deadline 17 September 2018)

Key Expert 2 for the project: “Technical Assistance for Modernising Schools with Science Laboratories” – CYPRUS (Deadline 17 September 2018)

(i) Qualification and Skills: Master’s degree in relevant fields such as science, education, pedagogy, social sciences, etc. or, in its absence, 2 years of equivalent professional experience beyond the general professional experience duration fixed below (i.e. 6+2 = 8 years of professional experience in the education sector). (ii) General Professional…

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Key Expert 1- Team Leader for the project: “Technical Assistance for Modernising Schools with Science Laboratories”- CYPRUS (Deadline 17 September 2018)

Key Expert 1- Team Leader for the project: “Technical Assistance for Modernising Schools with Science Laboratories”- CYPRUS (Deadline 17 September 2018)

(i) Qualification and Skills: Master’s degree in relevant fields such as science, education, pedagogy, social sciences, etc. or, in its absence, 4 years of equivalent professional experience beyond the general professional experience duration fixed below (i.e. 12+4 = 16 years of professional experience in the education sector). (ii) General Professional…

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